Green rice! The best Mexican rice I’ve ever tried

In this video, I show you how to make layered Mexican green rice that tastes and looks fantastic. I couldn’t think of a better way to end the rice trilogy.

The point of this series is to show you how once you are comfortable with the basics of any recipe, you can add different layers of flavors, colors, and textures to make something outstanding.

And this recipe IS outstanding; It showcases so many of the things I love about Mexican food, vibrant flavors, and colors – it’s surprising and never boring. Whenever I make this rice, people always love and talk about it because it tastes fantastic and is completely new to everyone I know.

You might eat something like this in a Mexican home, but it is extremely rare. It is even rarer in Mexican restaurants.


Three ways to poach eggs! Brunch in 10min


3 ways to make your rice taste and look better